What is Table Image in Poker?

Table image in poker is how other players perceive you based on your past plays. This perception arises from your betting patterns, hands you’ve shown, reactions, and your demeanor during live games.
There are various table images a player can exhibit:

Loose-aggressive (LAG)

Loose Aggressive players, or LAGs, frequently engage with many hands pre-flop, using an aggressive approach. Their strategy is to find opportunities to capitalize on mistakes. This style can lead to higher profits with the right strategy.

Transitioning from beginner to expert requires navigating challenges. Unrealistic expectations can lead to mistakes and losses.

Tight-aggressive (TAG)

These players are selective with their hands, but bet aggressively when they do play. This is seen as a balanced approach to poker.


These players engage with many hands but usually call bets instead of raising, allowing opponents to dictate the game.


Very selective players who often just call bets. They can become targets for players willing to bluff.

Mastering the Poker Table Image

In online poker, it’s crucial to focus on how people play. Although physical cues might be absent, players leave a trail through their betting behavior, offering valuable insights.

Most online poker players are predictable. Many play recreationally, adopt bad habits, or don’t pay attention to their table image.

It’s vital to be aware of how opponents perceive our plays, our betting habits, and decision-making timings. The goal is to observe opponents and understand the implications of their table image.
Table image perceptions vary among players. Our understanding of a player might differ from their self-view or how others see them. When multiple players engage in a hand, their decisions can be based on different observations or interpretations of another player’s behavior. It’s essential to not be overly influenced by others and understand how they might view themselves.

Experience enhances our ability to glean useful insights from opponent observation. The more adept we become, the more detailed and exploitative our strategies. A starting point is general player assessments based on playing style. Such initial evaluations are foundational and can be refined over time.

Playing Style

Consider questions about a player’s style. Is Player A aggressive or willing to place large bets? Do they bluff frequently, even when caught? Some players, driven by their preferred style, might regularly employ certain tactics, like check-raising. Others might play straightforwardly, making decisions solely based on their cards. This predictable style is easiest to play against.
Observation and analysis are key. Paying attention and continually reassessing our views as we gather more information aids our poker growth.

Enjoy the game!

Author: AngusD
last updated 25.09.2023